Care instructions for Phalaenopsis schilleriana

Care instructions for Phalaenopsis schilleriana

This species originates from Philippines. It usually flowers in late winter or early spring following a period of cooler temperatures in Fall to initiate flowering.

  • Light

Place in a location with indirect light, such as near an east-facing window, or a shaded south or west-facing window. Phalaenopsis schilleriana can tolerate brighter conditions if there is a fan nearby. 

  • Temperature

Keep the plant in a location with a daytime temperature of 85°F (29°C) and a minimum night temperature of 70°F (21°C). Fluctuating temperatures can cause buds to drop. 

  • Watering

Water regularly but allow the moss to almost dry out between waterings. Water in the morning so the leaves can dry by nightfall. Because this plant is planted in moss – you want to start off by watering in small amount (i.e. ¼ cup of water).  Water more if needed.  Phal schilleriana does not like its root to stay wet for longer than 3 days. It is common for this species to have wandering roots. It is healthy to have some air roots growing out of pot.

  • Humidity

Maintain high humidity (50% day, 70% night) by placing the plant on a tray of gravel partially filled with water. 

  • Fertilizing

Feed regularly during the growing season with balanced orchid fertilizer. Reduce fertilizing to twice a month in the winter. 

  • Repotting

Repot every couple of years or when the plant doubles in size. 

  • Pests

Spider mites, mealybugs, and soft brown scale are the most common pests. Use a soft toothbrush and rubbing alcohol to treat early infestations. 

  • Flowering

Cooler night temperatures in the fall around 60°F can trigger flower spikes. Keep roots drier in cooler months.

Last revised November 18, 2024